Explore Algo's backtested portfolios and copy the one matching your risk and return goals
Note : We strive to ensure our programs analyse and trade promising stocks, which you can copy into your portfolio. However, past backtesting success does not guarantee future results.
Performance results of 25 years of backtesting
from 1999 …to… 2025
Note : We strive to ensure our programs analyse and trade promising stocks, which you can copy into your portfolio. However, past backtesting success does not guarantee future results.
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Watch this video to learn how to receive instant trade notifications or automatically copy them into your portfolio
Important! This service allows you to copy selected U.S. stocks from Algo’s professional portfolios, carefully chosen from thousands of stocks using Algo’s advanced automated programs and filters.
Copying these stock trades whether manually or automatically, is your sole responsibility. Algo assumes no liability for any profits or losses resulting from its use.
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